When your mental focus is thrown off, for whatever reason, you just aren’t as productive. That morning cup of joe may offer a temporary energy boost, but running on caffeine comes with an inevitable energy decline, dragging your focus and attention along with it. Brain Fog Relief helps you restore focus and concentration and supports cognitive performance without caffeine.
How Brain Fog Relief helps your brain
The clinically studied botanical nutrients in our innovative formula work by supporting different pathways associated with promoting a healthy inflammatory response to support cognitive health, healthy histamine levels, and balanced neurotransmitters to fight mental fatigue and support mental focus and cognitive performance.
Mango leaf extract
This polyphenol-rich compound from mango leaf extract enhanced brain activity, reduced mental fatigue, and supported mental focus and performance in clinical studies. How? It works by supporting healthy levels of compounds that help inhibit inflammation to promote brain health and healthy levels of messengers such as dopamine and norepinephrine that brain cells use to communicate with one another.
Standardized peppermint oil
Another study showed a standardized peppermint oil extract encouraged mental stamina and improved attention and working memory in healthy adults. That’s because it’s rich in monoterpenes, the active components in peppermint oil, that offer cognitive benefits by supporting neurotransmitters such as GABA and acetylcholine, as well as brain cell activity.
Add Brain Fog Relief to your daily routine—take one a day to keep your focus sharp
Подсолнечное масло, желатина, глицерин, аравийская камедь, очищенная вода, краситель рожкового дерева, подсолнечный лецитин, пчелиный воск, диоксид кремния.
Хранить в плотно закрытой упаковке в сухом и прохладном месте.
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