The Perfect Travel Toothbrush
Invented by a Dentist
Dr. Ronald Plotka developed this innovative toothbrush as part of his thriving Boston-based dental practice. The special qualities of this toothbrush help his patients prevent cavities and achieve better oral health.
What Exactly are "Flossing Bristles"?
Our unique polyester Flossing Bristles (longer-lasting than traditional nylon bristles) make your teeth feel like they have been professionally cleansed. The outer bristles, as thin as a human hair, gently brush away food and plaque in places other brushes miss. Thicker inner bristles ensure complete cleaning of the teeth and gums. PS: Dr. Plotka recommends that you still floss!
How are the Bristles "Naturally Antimicrobial?
Our bristles are infused with silver to naturally eliminate 99.9% of bacteria on the bristles within six hours. Improve your oral and overall body health by not reintroducing harmful bacteria into your mouth and body!
Antimicrobial properties protect the bristles and keep them clean, does not protect the user from germs.
Antimicrobial silver technology reduces bacteria buildup on bristles to keep them clean. It does not eliminate bacteria in the mouth and does not protect the user from germs or against disease.
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